Do you have a ton of makeup and beauty bits you don’t wear? Would you consider yourself a makeup hoarder? If you’d had asked me this, a couple of weeks ago, I would’ve said no to both questions. However, after a recent trip to Superdrug to pick up a few beauty bits, I realised that it was high time I sorted out my trusty beauty/makeup bag that’s literally been collecting products for years. And when I say years, I mean YEARS (roughly four for a couple of products anyway – I know… please don’t judge me).
Amongst my possessions were LOTS of mascara – I even shocked myself – blush, lashes I hadn’t worn in over three years, a surprising amount of eyeliner, mascara, random bits of concealer, eyeshadow, lipstick (?) and did I mention mascara?

To see it all, check out my latest YouTube video. And don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe and share with your friends.
Make sure you stay tuned for my next video on Sunday where I’ll be sharing the new makeup products I bought from Superdrug. See you then!