Yes we managed to survive the coldest months of the year (see post here) and winter seems to be going to bed soon (at least on this hemisphere – sorry Australia), with spring about to reveal itself (the clocks go backwards next week eeeeek). While this is definitely cause for celebration, what does this change mean for our hair? How should we tackle this next transitional seasonal period without compromising our hair? Well have no fear because as usual, I’ve been doing some research into this – this is a hair blog after all – and I came across some fantastic ways to keep your in check while the weather gets its act together. Check out these great tips I’ll be implementing in the coming weeks.
Spring is all about newness and starting over, so what better way to usher in the new season than with a trim. A trim will remove all the dead dull ends that weigh you hair down and help make your hair look fresh and new. I know that I’m definitely in need of a trim, so this is one of the first things I’m going to do on my next hair day.
Deep conditioning is good all year round, particularly in the winter, but as we move into warmer climates, a REALLY good, deep condition of the hair is in order. Using something mild will help prepare your hair for the summer months when deep conditioning and heavier products will be used less. It’s also a good thing to do if you neglected your hair all winter long because a sudden change in temperature/climate can have all sorts of [negative] effects on your hair that are not worth it. A final intense deep condition is a great way to refresh your hair and to give it some TLC.
Something that every single blog recommends is switching out your products during this time. During the cold harsh winters, heavier and thicker products are needed for your hair in order to protect it from drying out. However, as it gets warmer, these thick and heavy products do little more than weigh your hair down, cause excess sweat and just leave hair feeling yuck. A great thing to do is to switch to lighter products that will still do the same job, but will be a little kinder to your hair. Obviously switching products will be difficult if you just did a major hair haul and have lots of new stuff, and I’m not saying to ditch these products entirely, but it is a good idea to have a few things that won’t bring your hair down. This is also a wonderful time to look into new products and discover new things – like SPF hair serums.
What’s great about these tips is they take little to no effort at all which is always a win, especially for lazy girls like me, but they make all the difference to hair during these transitioning times. For more great tips, why not check out The Every Girl.