It’s only been a week since I finished this product and I’m already feeling its absence from my hair regime. For the last five months I’ve been using my Vitale Olive Oil Root Therapy religiously, applying to my hair almost…
Vitale Olive Oil Root Therapy.
When I saw this on the shelf I kind of knew I was going to like it. If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you’ll know about my obsession love for Vitale Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise. Every time I…
Beauty Bits #2.
Earlier in the week, my trusty Paltas spray ran out, so this past Saturday was spent running errands and picking up a few bits here and there. Though I usually go to Brixton to get my hair products, this time…
Vitale Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise.
I first bought this a few months but had it sitting on my hair products table and only recently started using it. The first time I tried this, I had treated my hair with the lemon and honey mask to…