By now we all know that the key to healthy hair is a great regime that’s tailored to suit your hair, including two important things: having a good routine in place and using the right products for you. While a routine is easier to pin down, what happens when you’re using a supposedly great product but aren’t seeing the right results? What do you do when despite the amount of product you put in your hair, your strands just don’t take? Well the problem could lie in the porosity of your hair (i.e. your hair’s ability to absorb. Because sometimes even the best billed products won’t work for your hair if your hair is unable to absorb all of its goodness. To find out how to check your hair porosity, check out this simple test below.
Test your hair’s porosity with the float test. Simply place a few strands into a glass of water and see what happens to your hair. If your hair sinks right away, that means your hair is very porous and will absorb products well as the water easily entered the hair shaft, weighing it down and causing it to sink. If it takes your hair more than five minutes to sink to the bottom then it means your hair is not very porous and may struggle to absorb products as the water was not able to enter the hair shaft.
This test is super simple and you’ll have your answer in a matter of minutes with little to no effort. For more, check out CurlyNikki.