I got this eyebrow oil way back when (you can read about some of the other stuff I got here and here), but as I wasn’t too concerned (to put it simply) about my brows at the time, I put…
Cleaning My Brushes.
Today’s post is inspired by one I saw on laurenconrad.comwhen I needed to clean my makeup brushes was sure how. There are WAY over 645k pages out there on the internet about how to clean your brushes, but as a…
Dax Black Bees-Wax.
Wooo, only a few more of my samples left before I’ve tried them all. Today’s sample comes from Dax, but unlike the last sample I tried, this sample somehow managed to tick every box. Maybe I was in a better…
Hot Sunflower Oil Hair Treatment.
Okay, now I know what you’re thinking. Sunflower oil… for your hair? Don’t worry, you haven’t miss read the title (or that last sentence ahahahaha), today’s post is really about using sunflower oil on your hair and scalp. When it…
African Pride Olive Miracle.
After using this oil, I’m assured that oils are just not me. Remember my unfortunate experience with IC’s night time oil earlier this year? Well my experience with this oil wasn’t as bad, but it made me realise that I…