If you haven’t noticed, it’s been getting a lot colder recently, especially mornings which has seen temperatures as low as 7 degrees, and it would seem that my hair has noticed how cold it’s gotten as it’s been feeling a…
Blood Orange Nails.
I could make this post really short and just say that I love this colour, it’s the best thing since forever and that I’ll be wearing it on rotation etc., but where would be the fun in that? Instead give…
I Didn’t Big Chop But It May Not Have Been That Bad.
It would seem that the nearer I get to my two year no relaxer anniversary that I’ve been thinking more about my hair and my hair journey, and how different it could have been. Like most girls I have an…
Peanut Butter Nails.
Introducing the first of the new nail varnishes I picked up from Superdrug a few weeks ago. While Barry M calls this Peanut Butter, it reminds me of cold salmon… anyone else? Just me? Okay. this *whatever colour you want…
I’ve Been Slacking And That’s Okay.
Last Sunday as I rinsed my hair in the bath, I realised something: I’d been slacking with my hair, and I was totally fine with it. When I first began my natural hair journey it seemed like I had nothing…