So a few weeks ago during Acid Fortnight, I wrote about two acids I wanted to try in the hopes of fixing the dark marks on my face. In two posts, I talked about the wonders of mandelic acid and…
Why Do I Keep All My Empty Skincare Packages?
So a few weeks ago I realised something about myself: I like to keep all my product containers (insert shy monkey emoji here). I don’t know why but for some strange reason I just cannot bring myself to throw them…
Beauty Bits #11.
So I did a thing… Make sure you check back next week for details on my first impression! alice xo
Hair Haul #8.
In the final Hair Haul of the year, I’m back with some old favourites and some newbies to try. As I was really busy I wasn’t able to get these myself, but luckily my sister was able to pick these…
Fresh Floral Toner Sample.
This is one of those products that you see and hear loads about but don’t really understand the purpose of it. For the longest time I’ve been reading lots about toners and how they’re an important step in any skincare…
I Used A Face Wipe Last Night (And Why It’ll Be My Last Time).
*This post was written on November 11th Since ditching face wipes earlier this year in favour of a robust double cleansing, I haven’t touched the stuff… well apart from those late nights when I’ve had a little bit too much…
Skincare Wishlist: Dr. Dennis Gross.
Acid Fortnight has been a blast! I’ve loved sharing these new and unfamiliar acids, whilst simultaneously working on a list of skincare products I’d love to try. To end Acid Fortnight, I wanted to share some of the cool things…
Glycolic Acid.
Did I mention that Acid Week is still on this week? No? Well it is. Since delving into the world of since (wow how many times have I started a sentence like that?) I’ve been so fascinated by acids and…
Mandelic Acid.
Acid Week continues with a strange acid I had no idea existed until a few weeks ago. The acid in question? Mandelic acid. Like most things I’ve found and shared on here, I first came across this mystical acid on…
All About Retinol.
It’s Acid Week on the blog and kick it off, I’m starting with an acid that’s been inching its way up my list of Most Desired Products to Try: retinol. Now, since dipping my first toe into the world of…
Empties: RIP Nivea Daily Essentials Day & Night Cream.
I really feel like these daily moisturisers helped bring me one step (well two) closer to realising my full skincare regimen dreams. Read on below for mini-reviews of each. You guys know that my face can get really dry and…
Empties: RIP Nivea Q10 Plus C Anti-Wrinkle Energy Eye Cream.
My thoughts on this eye cream really haven’t changed since my last post a couple of months ago. Apart from maybe that I love the product more than I did. My under eyes have really transformed since I’ve been using…